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Support the CPEHS Running Club

The Central Park East High School Running Club is a successful initiative to provide our students with the opportunity to gain a love for running. With over 40 students involved in our program this year, we are looking to reach out to similar programs and bring them together for a holiday race.
We are hosting a Jingle Bell Jog in order to bring other runners in the community together. The event, which will involve over 100 students from different schools, will be a fun, festive celebration of our runners' hard work and dedication. We also hope that it will be an opportunity to get the runners' families and friends involved, allowing the entire community to see how much fun they are having getting fit. 
Running is teaching our students both physical and mental discipline. It shows them how to work through challenges and provides them with a healthy foundation for entering into adulthood. Your donation will provide us with the resources needed to organize and facilitate our race and continue to increase our programming and reach even more students.