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Student Code of Behavior


Code of


In order to provide a safe and orderly atmosphere for teaching and learning, this code of behavior is required of every student in our school.

  • Students are expected to arrive on time and to enter and leave the school building in an orderly and responsible manner.
  • Students must show their ID card upon entering the school building in the morning.
  • Students must carry proper identification (ID card and Program card), and be prepared to identify themselves at all times to any staff member who requests identification.

  • Loitering outside of the school building, in the main lobby, in the hallways and in bathrooms is not permissible.
  • Walkman, Discman, radios, beepers, cell phones, and markers are restricted equipment and are not allowed in school. If you are seen in possession of these items, they will be confiscated. A parent/guardian may be required to come to school for a conference.
  • Possessing a weapon of any kind is prohibited. If you are caught in possession of a weapon you may be subject to an arrest and will be suspended.
  • Students are to dress appropriately for school. You may not wear short skirts, short shorts, pants that are suggestive, tank tops, halters, shoulder-less stretch tops or see-through jerseys, and shirts must cover the stomach all the time. Sunglasses, caps, hats, headbands, bandanas, hoods or “do rags” are not permitted in the school building. Take them off before you enter the building.
  • Clothing or any paraphernalia representative of an organized gang will not be allowed in the school building. If seen it will be confiscated, the information will be given to the Police, and this may result in further disciplinary measures.
  • Bathrooms are to be used before and after the school day and during the lunch periods. The teacher will make the pass available ten minutes into the period and never the last ten minutes of the period. Students must have a pass at all times.
  • Eating and drinking is restricted to the cafeteria. There is no eating in classrooms. If you bring food into the building, and it is visible it may be confiscated.
  • Students are to adhere to the class rules implemented by each subject class teacher.

If a student fails to adhere to the Discipline Code, the school may impose punishment based upon the severity of the infraction. This may include any or all of the following:

    1. Reprimand by a Dean of Discipline, a teacher or other faculty member
    2. Removal from class by teacher
    3. Referral to the dean and subject to detention or in-house suspension
    4. Confiscation and loss of any contraband, including cell phones, beepers, radios, walkmans, etc
    5. Conference with student’s family
    6. Restitution (Payment of fine)
    7. Principal’s Suspension
    8. Superintendent’s Suspension, which may lead to removal from the school building
    9. Arrest