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Memorandum of Understanding

Memorandum of


As in every community, there must be rules and regulations concerning an acceptable code of behavior. If that community is to function effectively with respect and dignity, students must develop personal and social habits that will lead to success in and beyond their high school years. This Memorandum of

Understanding will ensure that all parents and students shall have a clear comprehension of the rules and regulations of the Central Park East High School. All infractions of rights and responsibilities are governed by the New York City Department of Education Discipline Code.

Students agree to:

· Arrive on time and enter and leave the building in an orderly and responsible manner.

· Not wear hats, bandannas, headscarves, or sunglasses, while in the school building.

· Never wear any clothing or other paraphernalia representative of an organized "gang" or group. These items will be confiscated.

· Follow the Chancellor's regulations concerning non-academic personal electronics. Visible and or audible devices may be confiscated. These items will be returned to parents/guardians only.

· Carry school ID and program card at all times, and produce them for staff when asked. School ID cards must be visible upon entering the school building.

· Show the subject class teacher a verifiable absence note.

· Not loiter or be rowdy in the halls, stairwells, or bathrooms.

· Be courteous to all members of the CPEHS community.

· Resolve any difficulties through non-violent means. NO FIGHTING!

· Follow the rules set forth regarding the proper use of the elevators.

· Keep the school building clean.

· Take pride in the school building. Graffiti is a criminal offense.

· Obey fire and emergency drill directions quickly, quietly, and cooperatively.

· Obey New York City laws that prohibit drinking or smoking inside or directly outside the school building.

· Take home and deliver immediately to my parent/ guardian notices and fact sheets and return signed information when due.

· Possession of a weapon is a criminal offense: Violators are subject to suspension. You will be suspended from the school permanently and may be arrested.

· Accept responsibility for my actions and respect the rights of others.