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Incoming Students: Join the Journalism Program!

The journalism/newspaper program at CPEHS is a morning club for 9th grade, an honors class for 11th grade and an after school program for all grade levels. The program produces CPEHS's month paper, The Madison Times. Ms. Diamond is the advisor for for the program. The journalism after school program is credit bearing and a great opportunity for students to get involved with the CPEHS community. The program is currently looking for new members. If you are interested, please see Ms. Diamond in the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year.

Some of the things I liked about the class was being introduced to new things. Also, working with the newspaper was very fun. I liked picking the topic I was going to write about, the section I was in, and getting the pictures. Journalism was a fun experience. -Jermaine Richie

In the Journalism class, there have different kind of section to work for the newspaper.I liked this class because everyone have different types of idea. I learn different experience in this class. -Sadia Tanni

One thing I liked about the newspaper was that I could make comics for the paper. Unfortunately, I was censored and limited a bit. Of course Ms.Diamond would not have let me put debauchery in . I also still don't like being limited to 4 four pages ...Keven Molina

-- this class is GREAT! You become a better writer, plus everyone in school gets to see what you write. It is also a better way to help you enjoy the news. --Rachel Osei♥

I loved how I can state my own opinions and have any argument while writing my articles. It gave me a chance to finally have my own voice. -Jenise Ortiz

_ Have you ever wanted a class about the future? Well journalism is the class for you. It's the class to catch up on the news of today. =) oooohhhh yeaaaahh JOURNALISM!
[Shatovia Irvings.)*

I Liked Journalism particularly because I like writing and putting my ideas on a sheet of paper. This course gave me the opportunity to learn how the newspaper is created and published. I might think of pursuing journalism in the future. This Journalism course lead to more resources for my writing. ~~Dannie White~~

The Journalism class was fun at times because it made me feel like I was actually in the news business. This class gave us a good idea of how it really is. Ms.Diamonds childhood stories were entertaining, but overall the class was fun and taught me a lot about writing papers. Journalism Is The Best. ~*Carmen Cancel*~

Journalism class brings this incredible feeling into your life and makes you view the world in a different way. Thing become clear as you are more involved with journalism. It an amazing new experience. I enjoyed my time here in this class, and I am glad I learned a new way of writing. Happy Writing
~Chazity Cruz

Journalism class is such an exciting class. Its different from regular English class. If you ask me, I would definitely choose Journalism class over regular English class. It provides so much information. Its was so awesome to learn how to write like a journalist. It made me think and ask myself, would journalism be my new career ?
-$ Anais Bruno $-

This a nice class, I'm not lying.- James Salazar

I had so much fun in the after school program You should join because it is a good way to meet new people and have fun doing something you love. I know i love being around the people, and I would choose it over anything just cause its like a family. -NICOLE BRACERO

The after school program was a fun experience. There are people that will help you if you are stuck. The topics were fun to work with and the people that you meet are cool. It's a great way to meet new people. -Oscar Terrazas

Inside My Mind by: Amanda Cruz, 12th grade

How I made these pictures: One day, I was really bored in my house since my little sister was on the computer. So one of my other friends Samantha was over at my house and an idea dawned on me to begin drawing her cartoon style. So, when I was done, the result that came out of was the picture at the bottom. Then, I drew 3 more of her friends, her twin sister, her friend Maxine and her friend Brandon who she considers a big brother to her.
This Picture is of her and her boyfriend the year they got together and a quote they always use. The quote is in the bottom

Brandon Denson is one of mine and Samantha's friend he's laid back and doesn't let anything bother him really

Maxine Rodriguez is one of Samantha's best friend since kindergarten

Sophia Lexion is Samantha's twin sister in real life she is the total opposite of her sister who is sweet and kind

My good buddy Samantha Lexion the originator and why I began to draw these pictures, thank you.

Prom 2010

The senior class of 2010 had a great prom on June 4, 2010. This was one of the last times for close friends to rejoice, dance and reminisce about their time at CPEHS.

My favorite memory was when a boy from Park East High School named Anthony kept chasing me around with chocolate on his face trying to to dance with me. I also really enjoyed the after party. -Hameda Mckenzie

My favorite memory was having fun dancing with everyone and just celebrating that we are graduating. -Shania Rivera

My favorite memory was slow dancing with Shania and partying at the prom after party. -Terrell Shaw

Favorite Boroughs by: Tia Rivera

Take a walk down 42nd street and see Time Square with its bright lights. Go ice-skating at Bryant Park and have a blast. Walking down to the West Village and going to Chelsea Piers, to see the shiny Hudson River. Last but not least seeing the beautiful city from the top of the Empire State building. These are a few of the many things you can do in Manhattan, which is my favorite borough. There are also other great boroughs to discover like the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan and Long Island.

I asked Asil Khan and Javie, both freshmen at CPEHS, what their favorite boroughs were and why. Asil says his favorite borough is Manhattan because that’s where he lives and where all his ‘home dogs’ live. I asked him if he lived there and he said “yes, down town.” I asked him what likes to do in Manhattan and he said he likes to go bowling and being bad to the bone. I asked if he has any family in Manhattan and he says yes. I asked what interesting place there are in Manhattan and he said that the East Village is an interesting place in Manhattan. I asked if he knew anything about Manhattan (i.e. history). He said, “People used to swim in the Hudson River back then.” He also only knows about 1 borough, which is the Bronx. I wanted to know why Asil goes to CPEHS since he lives downtown. “Because it’s slightly closer” he said.

I asked Javier what her favorite borough was and she said the Bronx, because it’s where she was born and raised. Her favorite thing to do in her borough is “party.” She also likes to shop in the Bronx. She also has family that lives there. “Castle Hill and Yankee Stadium are the nice places to see over here” she stated. I asked if she knew anything about the Bronx and she said that she know that it’s the birthplace of hip hop. I also asked her why she goes to CPEHS all the way from the Bronx. She replied, “Because I wanted to travel far.” I think that all the boroughs are different and contributed a lot of amazing things to New York.

CPEHS: Through The Students' and Staff's Eyes by Jona Gavazi



Here’s what students and Staff said

Ms. Paskal, Guidance Counselor: There is a close community, everyone knows everyone, and people care!

Brander S., 9th Grade: Teachers treat the kids well.

Asil K., 9th Grade: The teachers put in a lot of effort.

Derick E., 9th Grade: I like how teachers put so much effort for students to pass each and every class.

Alianny H., 9th

Grade: The people are very warm and kind.

Cesar S., 9th Grade: The effort and the fact that it’s a small school.

Meleny F., 9th Grade: Everyone is so nice! There are opportunities too, like outdoor lunch.

Destiny G., Crystal B., Jordan G., Karen P., Shaira P., 9th Grade: Everybody is really close and willing to help one another. Everybody cares, which makes school fun.

Nikki M., 9th Grade: It’s a small school, and everyone is there for you when you have trouble in school.

Elvira Q. and Victor C., 9th Grade: There's a lot of opportunities and everybody cares a lot about each other.

Jeffrey R., 10th Grade (right): Everyone is really nice and the teachers put in a lot of effort.

Bridget P., 10thGrade: The diversity!

Kimberly F. and Pamela S., 10th Grade: Everybody is extremely cool and nice!

Cassie R., 10th Grade: There are a lot of freedoms/opportunities, and offers for sophomores and up!

Kaled A., 10th Grade: There’s a lot of preparation that is done for the regents.

Bria M., 10th Grade: I like that the teachers are young, and even if they’re not, they’re still very cool.

Jaime P., 10thGrade: I like how everybody is close and the effort we all put to get through the day.

Rumors and Relationships By: Carmen Cancel

Can rumors affect a relationship?

There have been many rumors around the schools and outside that have broken relationships up. Those rumors are hurtful and can ruin a couple in the blink of an eye. People think their harmless little rumors that wont hurt a fly that’s not true Rumors are bad and shouldn’t be said out in the open its someone’s business that you are spreading.

Katherine Ocampo, 16 years old attends CPEHS, grew up in East Harlem said that her favorite childhood memory was, “Going to Coney Island and having fun! It always been the best memory I ever have and that’s why I still go there every year in the summer.” Katherine Ocampo spends her free time shopping and with her boyfriend, “ I like shopping and usually my Boyfriends bored when he’s not with me so we just hang out.” Over All Katherine usually holds a good relationship with the staff and students in CPEHS.

Rumors are very harsh and affect many relationships whether in teen relationship or marriage. Katherine Ocampo opinion is, “

Well of course rumors affects relationships whether Or not because if I hear something I definitely would want to prove if the rumors wrong or right.” Rumors are a big deal and there just spreading what awful things people want to hide or want to keep to themselves, so that doesn’t give you the right to put it out there. Katherine has been in this situation that has affected but not broken the relationship. Currently no big rumors have affected but minor ones have, One that I heard my boyfriend had a best friend who was a girl and she liked him and is still seeing him till today after all the rumors was wrong and wasn’t true.” See little rumors like that can hurt a relationship. The causes of broken relationships are that most people don’t have trust in there partners and they are ignorant to the point that they will believe the rumors. Rumors are hurtful because its always criticizing

one person in a bad way and I haven’t believed any rumors I have heard of my boyfriend because I know before I hear it from someone else he would of told me before it
happens. I wanted to find out her opinion to the topic. Her responses were, “Umm I haven’t really noticed how important a rumor is to a relationship until this interview because it could determine whether or not you’re going to be with the person for a long time, people usually make rumors because of jealousy. Hatred or boredom.”

Kimberly Perry, 16 years old a Junior at CPEHS grew up in New York and one of her favorite childhood memories was, “when I hung out with my dad, because I don’t get to see him much anymore.” On her free time she mainly is in one of her friends house because she doesn’t like to be home much. Kimberly holds a good relationship with some better then others, “because I just don’t feel their vibe.”

Kimberly Perry responded, “Yes, because depending on what is said it can Breakup a couple and I do listen to rumors but I don’t spread them it’s not cool to spread peoples Business whether its true or not.” Rumors can break a relationship but it will be up to the Couple to determine whether or not there going to believe in that rumor, “communication is Key.” She also has never experienced it but has heard rumors about other people. Trust and Communication is what makes a relationship last a lifetime. One thing Kimberly always does is he doesn’t make assumptions and talks to him about it to make sure it isn’t true. I asked her for her opinion on the topic. Kimberly responded, “I think it’s interesting a lot of kids deal with rumors especially in High School, someone should give those kids the courage to ignore ignorance, and people make rumors because their ether bored, jealous or just plain mean.”

Therefore, your personal life is personal so if you don’t want anything to spread just keep it to yourself. So don’t spread rumors.

The End of Printed Journalism By: Shatovia Irvings

Should newspaper publications become extinct?

Dannie White and Walter Gentle are two people I feel have very different opinions. I felt that interviewing two people with different perspectives, I may get two different feelings based on this subject.

Dannie White is a 16 year old high school student who attends CPEHS. Dannie grew up in the Bronx ever since he could remember, he said, “Well I moved to Harlem during the summer of ’07.” Dannie also said, “I’m planning on going to ST. Johns Virginia University, or probably a CUNY,” when asked what colleges does he believe he would want to attend. He stated, “Well mostly everybody I grew up around where older than me, I was always the young one out of everybody.” He also mentioned “they were very competitive and they broke the rules from time to time, but I managed to not follow that road,” when told to describe the people he grew up with. When asked how you would describe your best friend he said, ‘he’s really funny, he scratches my back and I scratch his back, but I haven’t kept in touch with him lately.”
Dannie White stated he thinks news should be published in the paper because some people don’t have a computer and it would probably be easy to go to a local store and just pick up a newspaper for maybe a dollar.” When asked if he would read news more in the paper or online he stated, ‘in the paper because the paper is just a classic.” He added, “Online won’t be a good thing because the internet now days are way too high tech for everybody to understand, old people love their news but weren’t born around a time to learn to use computers.” He also stated “that’s different.” He said “a newspaper might not be a good thing because they cut down trees to produce them and the environment is already not that good.” He said, “the paper would be more professional then online because it had been around for so long, and it keeps getting better and better.” But when asked which is more convenient he stated “both are reliable because both inform you on different events.” When asked different events like what he stated news. He said the way he feels about the newspaper going extinct is, “it would be a waste of time being invented threw the ages, the paper was the first way to know about the world.”

Walter Gentle is a 17 year old 11th grader who attends Brandies High School said his favorite color is red. He grew up in Yonkers, the Bronx, Jersey, Philly, and Harlem. At the moment he doesn’t know what college he wants to attend. He described his family growing up as loving and caring and his friends are people he always wanted to follow. He described his best friend as funny, loving, smart, pretty, and aggressive.
Walter Gentle said “yes it would be better to publish the paper online because of spell check and all that good stuff the computer does. It does all that and you don’t have to.” He said he would rather read the news from the paper then online because he might not want to log on to ESPN on his laptop. He also mentioned online might not be a good thing because you can get side tracked and/or spammed. When asked, why the paper might not be a good thing, he stated, “because you can spill your coffee on it and you won’t be able to read the good stuff.” He said the paper would be more professional because it shows you less lazy then reading it online. He also said, “a computer or laptop would be more convenient then a paper because you can’t lose it.” When asked how he felt about the newspaper being extinct he thought there would be no more toilet paper, but when I explained he said, “I’m going to be upset because when I get 92 I wanna sit and read a paper. That was my goal, and I can’t take my computer in the bathroom and I’m not going to know how to use a computer at 92.” He also added that he would be able to take a laptop either because they won’t be any Wi-Fi in his bathroom.
Apparently both people have two very different opinions based on the paper being extinct. I feel that it wouldn’t be a very big help with the internet because not everyone can get the internet like others. A cell phone would be reliable, but not everyone has a cell phone. People need to think about others and not just the advancement of technology. If the paper doesn’t go extinct then I feel the paper will be the only thing that technology didn’t take over.

Faculty's Advice and Expectation for the Incoming Freshmen By:Tenzing Dawa

They are excited to be here, and committed to school. Be positive, involved, with a positive attitude. Always seek peers and staff members to help through a challenging transition.
– Ms. Messi (Assistant Principal)

To be well behaved and prepared for class. Ready to learn. High School is the opportunity to meet new people. Prepare yourself for college. -Mr. Mac (Dean)

Be motivated, dedicated, and eager to learn. Read over the summer. Listen to your parents and teachers. – Ms. Morrison (ESL, Spanish)

Ask for help when needed not get behing on work. Do homework, stay on top of your work.
-Ms. Fox (Science)

Have strong writing skills. Do your homework!! – Ms. Dincuff (History)

Come in with a positive attitude. Work hard. Be involved in the school community. Think about school as if it were a job. Take advantage of the help that is being presented at our school.
– Ms. Paskal (Guidance Counselor)

Be motivated. – Mr. Denker (Math)

Hard work and Discipline. This school is fun if you work hard and have discipline.
-Mr. Muzzio (English)

Everyone should be hard workers and to have a positive attitude about school. To be prepared to work and study hard -Ms. Ligator (English)

To be able to create their own experiment and write their own lab reports and ask question about the world. Welcome to CPEHS. -Ms.Talia (Science)

Be excited to learn, academically excited and be more curious. 9th grade still counts for college and the grades are really important. -Ms.Chou (Global)

Hard work, Straight A’s, doing H.W. think about your future.
-Mr. Schnatterly (Algebra)

Come in with the skills necessary to efficiently accomplish the goals of the freshman institute. Review their history notes from the middle school. -Mr. Becherini (Global)

They are focused in and out of class. Good attitude in class. Don’t wait until the last minute to do all your work. -Ms. Fitzgerald (Algebra)

Polls based on our school.

20 students surveyed for each poll.

What is your favorite subject?

Math- 30%



Gym- 45%

What do you like about this school?

Friends- 40%


Trips- 15%

Events- 10%

Lunch outside- 20%

Do you like this school?



Of course I do -5%

Its alright-20%

No way- 0%

by: Sherap Tsomo

Freshmen Clubs

Knitting/80’s movies Club

One freshmen club at CPEHS is the Knitting/80’s Movies Club. This club has about 26 students in it (there are some sophomores and juniors in there that are not supposed to be there). This club is supervised by MS.Talia Javid, when I asked her if her club is fun or boring she said, “I think it is relaxing.” This club is way more than boring with at least 26 students involved in it any one who joins would have plenty of people to talk to. The kids involved in this club watch 80’s movies and of course do some knitting. Some for fun and others are just learning. What ever the reason, they always have fun.

Newspaper Club

My favorite club (because I’m in it) is the Newspaper club. It has 6-7 people in it and although it may be a little, all of our articles are posted on the school newspaper. Ms. Courtney Diamond, who is in charge of this club, motivates us to write articles about news that will affect our school lives. Although you do have to do some work at the end it is worth it when you see your article in the newspaper (a lot of people do read it). The whole purpose of this club is to be able to in form the school about problems and events that are going to occur in the school. This club is mainly seen in other teachers’ classrooms.

Math Club

The Math Club is an interesting club, it has mainly one goal, and that is to make you a better mathematician. The Math Club has 10-15 students in it in which they all became friends. Ms. Fitzgerald, who is the teacher teaching math, said that the club is fun (or at least her students did). Although they don’t compete in math events they hope that next year they will. This club is not always located in a classroom; they sometimes go to the computer lab and do some math.

By: Raul Sanchez

Regents Week!

Helen Aracena

Summer is already here and the school year is almost over. But before we can a summer vacation we have to take exams first. Regents’ week is almost coming up and it can be pretty hectic. As all the students get prepared for the exam, some of the students are nervous and some are pretty confident that they are prepared.

I decided to ask teachers on what they think about the Regents and I also decided to ask questions to the students who already took the regents and those who haven’t. Mr. Ligator who is an English teacher for 10th grade honors and for 9th graders answered some questions I decided to ask her if her students were prepared to take the Regents and she replied “Yes, because we’ve been doing a lot of practice.” She also stated that she had a lot of expectations for her students and personally thought that the English regents’ exam was the “easiest out of all Regents exams because it follows the same format ever year and believed history was the hardest one.”

I then decided to ask one more teacher the same questions. Mr. Becherini is a Global History and U.S History teacher and I asked him if he believed his students were prepared to take the regents and he said “The students that I’ve teachers have received the information necessary to be successful on the regents. However, students must spend at least one hour a day reviewing if they intend to pass.” Mr. Becherini, who teaches Global and U.S History, does expect his students to pass and just like Ms. Ligator. He also believed that the History regent is the most difficult one and the English regents is the least difficult.

Now, I decided to ask questions to two kids who already took the regents. Asil who is a 9th grader had already taken the Math regents exam and I asked him if he was prepared for the regents and he just simply replied “Sure’. Then I decided to ask Asil if he personally founded the exam hard or easy, his personal opinion was that “it was so/so”. He also personally found the Math regents to be the hardest and believe that none of the regents’ exams were easy. My final question for him was if he was ready for his next regents exam and he said “No, but I would have been if I paid attention”.

This time I decided to the same thing to a 10th grader name Chazity who had also taken the regents and if she was prepared and she said “Yea.” She also thought that the test was “Very hard, I’m not good at taking exams and I start to get nervous and I start to forget things”. Just like the other teachers that I had interviews she too had also thoughts that the Global regents was the hardest while she considered the English regents to be the easiest. My final questions for her was if she is ready for her next regents exams “No, cause I hate U.S history” she replied.

My final set of questions was for 9th graders who haven’t taken the regents exams. Raul Sanchez who is a 9th grader was asked by me what he expects the regents to be like. “Easy,” he said “because it’s just a test”. But will he get nervous when it’s time to finally take the regents exam “No, I don’t get nervous”. He quickly replied.

Another student that I interviewed was Tia who was also a 9th grade and if she believes that the regents exam will be like “Hard and easy at the same time”. She also said “If you know the stuff then its easy but if you don’t know it then it’s going to be hard”. Tia though that the couple of weeks that were left were enough for her to take the regents.

The regents are only a couple of weeks away…Wait not even but more like day away and I’m one of the many people who feels completely ready. Right now it seems like everyone in Central Park East High School is getting ready to finally take the regents exams and take on the summer vacation with no worries. No test, no school, no regents exam only the summer fun.