Knitting/80’s movies Club
One freshmen club at CPEHS is the Knitting/80’s Movies Club. This club has about 26 students in it (there are some sophomores and juniors in there that are not supposed to be there). This club is supervised by MS.Talia Javid, when I asked her if her club is fun or boring she said, “I think it is relaxing.” This club is way more than boring with at least 26 students involved in it any one who joins would have plenty of people to talk to. The kids involved in this club watch 80’s movies and of course do some knitting. Some for fun and others are just learning. What ever the reason, they always have fun.
Newspaper Club
My favorite club (because I’m in it) is the Newspaper club. It has 6-7 people in it and although it may be a little, all of our articles are posted on the school newspaper. Ms. Courtney Diamond, who is in charge of this club, motivates us to write articles about news that will affect our school lives. Although you do have to do some work at the end it is worth it when you see your article in the newspaper (a lot of people do read it). The whole purpose of this club is to be able to in form the school about problems and events that are going to occur in the school. This club is mainly seen in other teachers’ classrooms.
Math Club
The Math Club is an interesting club, it has mainly one goal, and that is to make you a better mathematician. The Math Club has 10-15 students in it in which they all became friends. Ms. Fitzgerald, who is the teacher teaching math, said that the club is fun (or at least her students did). Although they don’t compete in math events they hope that next year they will. This club is not always located in a classroom; they sometimes go to the computer lab and do some math.
By: Raul Sanchez